Sunday, March 7, 2010

Doll Dress

Laura & Mary used scraps of fabric to make small dresses for their rag dolls.
Fabric Scissors
Needle & Thread or Sewing Machine
Yarn with large eye needle (or Snap Fastiner)

1.Make a Pattern. Outline the rag doll to make a pattern.

2.Cut 2 pieces ¼ inch larger (all the way around) than pattern for seam allowance.

3.Stitch sides and arms. We did this with a sewing machine (the girls learned how to push the pedel slowly).

4.Hem dress. We let the girls do this part by hand, just like how Laura & Mary used to sew.

5.Finish arm & neck holes. Turn in fabric a bit and stitch. (the neck hole will be pretty wide).

6.Use yarn to stitch around the neck. Put tape on the end of the yarn, to thread the needle. After you put the dress on the doll, you can gather up the neckline a bit.

7. Tie a bow.

Note: The yarn is pretty tough to get through the material. So we used a snap fastiner for some of our dresses (but then you have to make a seam down the back, leaving 2 inches at the top open.) However, the neckline didn't look as good from the front. So now with doing both ways, I like the yarn better.

Sewing doll dresses was fun. But we are thankful that we don't have to make all of our clothes, like Ma did back then.

1 comment:

  1. Cute little semstresses you have there!!! (: Impressive! Start their appreciation early for modern conviences!!! (: Like a sewing machine! (:
